Developer Styles


Commit Message

The git commit message follows the Conventional Commits style.

 2# tag(subject):<Description>  #nn being the issue number if it exists
 3# (subject): CHANGELOG update groups items with the same subject.
 4# |<----   Preferably using up to 50 chars   --->|<--Max of 72 chars-->|
 5# Example: docs(style):Added a new reST style guide #42
 8# (Optional) Explain why this change is being made
 9# |<----   Try To Limit Each Line to a Maximum Of 72 Characters   ---->|
10# Example: There wasnt a reST style guide.
13# (Optional) Provide links or keys to any relevant tickets, articles or other resources
14# Example: closes #42
17# --- COMMIT END ---
18# Tags with ** will be included in the CHANGELOG
19# **   chore    (a chore that needs to be done)
20#      dbg      (changes in debugging code/frameworks; no production code change)
21#      defaults (changes default options)
22# **   docs      (changes to documentation)
23# **   feat     (new feature)
24# **   fix      (bug fix)
25#      hack     (temporary fix to make things move forward; please avoid it)
26#      license  (edits regarding licensing; no production code change)
27# **   perf     (performance improvement)
28# **   refactor (refactoring code)
29# **   style    (formatting, missing semi colons, etc; no code change)
30# **   test     (adding or refactoring tests; no production code change)
31#      version  (version bump/new release; no production code change)
32#      WIP      (Work In Progress; for intermediate commits to keep patches reasonably sized)
33#      jsrXXX   (patches related to the implementation of jsrXXX, where XXX the JSR number)
34#      jdkX     (patches related to supporting jdkX as the host VM, where X the JDK version)
36# --------------------
37# Remember to:
38#   * Capitalize the subject line start
39#   * Use the imperative mood in the subject line
40#   * Do not end the subject line with a period
41#   * Separate subject from body with a blank line
42#   * Use the body to explain what and why vs. how
43#   * Can use multiple lines with "-" or "*" for bullet points in body
44# --------------------


For Auto-generate CHANGELOG Github Action to pick up the changes, the heading must be in the following format.

tag(subject):<Description> #nn being the issue number if it exists

Example: docs(style):Added a new reST style guide #42

(subject): The CHANGELOG’s update groups items with the same subject.


Two Auto-generate CHANGELOG yaml files use BobAnkh/auto-generate-changelog.

The first, below, updates the CHANGELOG for the repo and includes additional tags to assist the developers, particularly with WIP.


Don’t forget to change line 21 REPO_NAME if you are using this for your Github repo.


Don’t forget to change line 22 REPO_NAME if you are using this for your Github repo.

More to come: